Released in 2006, Dark Messiah Of Might And Magic made the most of still-novel physics tech by letting you torment orcs with slippy floors, collapsing log piles, and swift kicks directly into spikes. These slapstick delights made it a cult classic, but rights-holders Ubisoft haven't done much with t...
I've sometimes worried that I'm the only person who remembers Arkane's sophomore outing: Dark Messiah of Might and Magic, a more fun and loose take on the immersive sim where you get to lead guys into slapstick traps and kick orcs off high ledges. That's far from the case though,...
Dark Messiah of Might and Magic feels like it comes from Arkane’s adolescence. Dishonored and Prey are the more mature output of the same creative mind. Here is a fantasy action game with not a whole lot to say but an infectious enthusiasm for freewheeling violence. Intricate physics, AI and ...